Navigating the morning of your Wedding.

Photo Credit: Lucy G Photography

Hey there, lovely readers! Today, we want to share our thoughts and experiences from our Margot and Lace stylists about the morning of a typical wedding day. As bridal hair stylists and makeup artists we have been to hundreds of wedding mornings, so we think we have some great tips to ensure your special morning runs as smoothly as possible.

Surround yourself with Positivity

You have asked your nearest and dearest to be part of your bridal party for a reason. If you choose for them to be with you in the morning for the prep make sure they bring the laughter, the inside jokes, and enough coffee (or fizz) to fuel a small village. Having your best friends and family around will help turn those nervous butterflies into joyous ones. In between having your hair and makeup done, having your pictures taken and opening any gifts, make sure you are chatting, laughing, and just soak in the great vibes with a great playlist! If you're a bride-to-be, make sure your bridal party is on point – they'll keep your spirits high!

Prep like a Pro
Here's the thing about wedding mornings – they can get pretty hectic. So, planning is your secret weapon. A couple of weeks before the big day make sure you have your schedule of the day down and share this with your bridal party. Top Tip, save this as your phone lock screen so everyone has access to it so you are not being pulled in every direction. At Margot and Lace, we will put together a schedule for your styling, so that’s one less thing to think about! Lay out your dress, accessories, shoes  and anything you might photographed the night before. Another job that can be done the night before is steaming the dresses! This always takes longer than anticipated and honestly there isn’t much more soul crushing than after you have styled a bridesmaid hair and makeup and you hear the words ‘ I’m going to steam my dress now’…

Eating is not cheating
Amidst the excitement, it's easy to forget to eat. But don't make that mistake! A hangry bride is not a happy bride. Have a nutritious breakfast that gives you energy for the day ahead. And don't forget to hydrate – you'll need it for all those happy tears and endless smiles. Some venues will offer to put a breakfast spread on so it is one less thing for you to think about.

Cards and gifts
This is a lovely picture perfect moment but make sure you factor this into the morning of your wedding. Often, this is overlooked and one bridesmaid is either having her hair done, the photographer is with the groom and you’ve just opened a real tear-jerker after your makeup. Our suggestion is that you do this either right at the beginning of the morning or half way through, not just before you are walking down the aisle.

Delegate and Breathe
This one is for my fellow control freaks – learn to delegate. You've got a team of people who want to help – let them! Assign tasks like main point of contact for the photographer, gathering next in line for hair or makeup, and handling any last-minute hiccups to someone you trust. This will free up your mind to focus on the beautiful moments. Do this so you can have time to breath and remind yourself that this day is about celebrating love and happiness.

Embrace Imperfection
Finally, remember that perfection is overrated. A small mishap or a minor glitch won't define your day. In fact, those are the stories you'll be laughing about years down the line. So, if your flower girl decides to go barefoot or if the wind plays havoc with your hair, roll with it. These unplanned moments often become the most cherished memories.

Every wedding morning is different but they should all be enjoyed experienced to the full. So, to all you brides-to-be out there, take a deep breath, embrace the organised chaos, and remember that this day is about celebrating your love story. Keep those positive vibes flowing, delegate like a pro, and above all, be present in every moment.


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